
What Happened with the Coloring Book


In case you were wondering how it all went down, this is a transparent account of what happened:

• I created a coloring book from 30 drawings I made of genderless, raceless creatures, feeling their feelings.

• I launched an Indiegogo campaign to help me pay to print the books.

• Each book cost about $8.30, which doesn't include packing/shipping etc., so I needed a boost to get going. ...Although I won't actually get the money from the campaign for a couple weeks, I wanted to make sure I would at least break even on the project.

People ordered 58 books !! Today at the Go West Craft Fest, I sold 21 books, and I had left 6 in Bethlehem, which people bought from my parents pretty quickly. I had ordered 100 books, so the day before my campaign ends, I have 15 books left. #math

This is so cool. It feels so amazing that people are so into it, and I'm going to get more printed.

• Oh, this means you probably can't order any more for Christmas/Winter holidays this year... but you can for January 2015.

I love you all! Thank you for your support.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I just got my note cards in the mail from the campaign, and they are so cool and hilarious. May you have continued success. :D
